
Submissions issue three are now closed.
If you are from a group or community that has to fight especially hard to have your creative work seen/heard, we'd love you to submit to us.
Previously unpublished work only.
One submission per person per submission period.
Please submit in one of the following categories:
short story up to 4000 words​;
creative nonfiction up to 4000 words;
flash fiction up to 1000 words;
poetry up to 3 pages. This can be between 1 and 3 poems. Please begin each poem on a new page;
work in translation up to the word/page limit of the relevant category;
visual art/photography up to 2 pieces (in a single document).
If you exceed the relevant word count or submit too many pieces, your work will not be considered.​
If you are submitting work-in-translation, you must first gain permission from the relevant publisher. Please include the text in its original language.
Your work must be submitted in one attachment via our website link.
We do not accept submissions by email or outside the submissions period.
Please use a readable 12-point font: single-spaced for poetry (each poem on a new page) and 1.5-spaced for fiction and CNF.
Documents must be named as follows: Genre + title. For example: 'Short Story. The Yellow Wallpaper'; 'Poetry. How Do I Love Thee'; 'Visual art. Guernica.' For poetry please name the document using the title of the first poem.
Strong language or content is fine by us, but we have no time for exploitative, abusive or discriminatory pieces.
Please include content warnings where relevant.
Do not include your name anywhere on the document itself as we are fully committed to reading blind. If your name appears on the document, the piece will not be read.
We believe writers and artists should get paid for their work. We are delighted to pay €200 for short stories or creative nonfiction (cnf) pieces, €100 per poem, €100 for flash fiction, and €100 per visual art piece published. Each contributor also receives a free copy of the magazine.
We’re all writers and we submit simultaneously ourselves, so feel free to do the same. But do let us know straight away if your piece is accepted elsewhere.
Upon publication all rights revert to the author. Some work published in the magazine may appear on the website at a later date. Extracts may also appear on our social media feeds.
We aim to respond to all submitters within three months of the end of the submission window – but response times may be impacted by the volume of submissions received.